Kwik-Klik installed 104 linear metres of white 1 Hour Fire Rated hoarding to create a temporary tunnel designed to link two buildings at Southampton General Hospital.
The temporary tunnel will be used to transfer patients and equipment between the two building for up to 4 months while the hospital’s main contractor completes two permanent sky bridges linking the first and second floors.
The tunnel was expertly configured to the bespoke sizes and angles needed (the internal dimensions are 2.1m high x 1.5m wide) by the Kwik-Klik team using our versatile 1 hour Fire Rated hoarding system.
The high-specification tunnel is weatherproof on the outside, provides good heat insulation on the inside and has hygienic wipe down internal surfaces. Kwik-Klik also supplied and installed hospital grade safety flooring, combining our hoarding expertise with our vast experience of working in hygienic and healthcare environments.
The tunnel spec included essential 110v plug and play lighting and two sets of double leaf personnel doors, which face each other and allow contractors to pass through.
The time-critical installation was completed on schedule in just 10 days, allowing the transfer of patients through the new tunnel.
Systems used
K-K Fire Rated Tunnel
Bespoke healthcare tunnel configuration